i´m so not looking forward to tonight…first friends night out in weeks!
the not is because we have to celebrate something really big of which i´m not sure wether to cry or laugh about – one of my best friends is leaving for the big apple next week and not coming back for 7 months.
(this is a picture he took of me last year, such a nice evening)
this is him (and no that´s not his hair, it´s just a russian cap)
(this is a picture he took of me last year, such a nice evening)

this is him (and no that´s not his hair, it´s just a russian cap)
so i´m really really sad to see him leave but also it´s a big chance for him, soYAY let´s celebrate.
(not that we really need a reason to go out and party but it´s always good to have at least an excuse)
p.s. i´m sure we´ll take amazing pictures tonight so i can show you how we celebrate!
p.s. i´m sure we´ll take amazing pictures tonight so i can show you how we celebrate!
Ich versteh dass du da wehmütig wirst, aber der Big Apple!!! Wie grandios ist dass denn!? 🙂 Dass gibt dir doch einen guten Grund rüber zu fliegen. 😉 Was macht er denn in NY, wenn ich so neugierig sein darf.
Have fun tonight!
Lg, Andrea
Stefania Boccolato
enjoy your night!
Louisa Schaffenrath
we gonna party tonight – like there’s no end! ich wills einfach noch nicht wirklich
realisieren, dass es bald so weit ist – schieeeeb das immer weiter weg! aber freu
mich auf den heutigen abend! <3
ja ich freu mich auch schon sooooo – wird sicher so nett! <3 aber lou, er kommt ja irgendwann wieder – hoffentlich haha 🙂
Le Gille
Hi, we are Chiara and Marta, Do you want to come here ( http://gillacm.blogspot.it/p/anteprima-pe-2012.html ) and watch what we do?
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Le Gille
la vie quotidienne
Viel spass meine Liebe!!
xoxo aus München
La Vie Quotidienne
Irene Buffa
lovely blog dear!!!
have a nice time! I am craving for a god party or night out!:)
Visit international Chloé sunglasses giveaway on my blog: http://anastasija-stasha.blogspot.com/2012/03/international-sunglasses-giveaway-chloe.html
ellakii sedgwick
sweetie you look gorgeous!!and be brave my sweetheart is also away (in the army ) and i miss him too! hope you had a great time!can’t wait to see the pics!i’m also following!
many kisses from,
wow..have fun..i’mhappy found ur blog.its really cool and inspiring
btw mabbe we can follow each other? i hope u like to doit
Cute blog!
Following you now!
have an happy and crazy night!
Thanks a lot for your comment! I follow you and if you want we can follow on bloglovin and facebook too!
Awww wie cool. Das is mal ein cooler österreichischer blog 😀
Bin grad über einen anderen (pixeldiaries, kann das sein?) auf deinen gestoßen.
Und du kommst noch dazu aus SALZBURG <3 is ja meine absolute liebingsstadt in Ö 🙂
Ich komm aus Wels und freu mi grad total, dass mal jemand aus der “Nähe” so einen tollen Modeblog hat 🙂
Weiter so
Lg, Raphaela 🙂
You look so pretty! Great photos!!
Would you like to follow each other?
Evi xoxo
nice blog 🙂
Yes it is always nice to be happy for your friends. On the bright side he is only going for 7 months. Time flies. Thanks for following me. Following back.
Joanna K.
lovely post!
ui ich finds immer toll, wenn freunde ins ausland gehen1 ein grund sie dort zu besuchen und urlaub zu machen! 😀
Peach Punch
Really lovely blog! I smell something different, and I think I am going to add it to my favorite blog roll!
Good job!
xo xo DIa!
Love your style,so chic and stlist!
Btw, can we follow each other?
let me know if u like.